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one year lucky clover ...
snoby spider wears a lot of jewelry ...
meinte neulich eine Freundin von mir über ihren Ehemann
'the handbag of a man is his car' said a friend of me about her husband
elephant with St. Nicholas cap
ants under pressure after salary rise only for boss ..
tongue knots with music notes ..
music notes glide funny slide making squeaking noises ..
boots with tassels - perfect toys for dogs
does a lion need a hairdresser ?
inspiriert durch Italien-photos /
inspired by photos of Italy
musical hedgehog dances at an eighth note ..
.. die die lange Nase zeigen und ätsch-bätsch zeigen ..
gloating worms in computer
.. the cook snooks ...
cell generates energy from a cocktail
inspiriert durch Autoschaden einer Bekannten
weasel makes gymnastic exercise with a car antenna
inspired by the car damage of a nice friend
hydrant with feeling for languages ...
inspiriert von Input/Output
sleepput / sheep-put
inspired by input/output
garden dwarf hidden in a garden lair
funny position to see a toilet ..
cellphone as world ...
für einen lieben Menschen, der Jahre nach einer OP Probleme mit einem Metallstück am Knochen bekam ...
poisonuos mushrooms at metal bones
for a nice person who got problems year after an operation with a metal piece at the bones ...
chasing computer animals ...
- castle loves to jump on stones ...
relaxing at the pool on the bold ..
patterned power distribution
er trägt Sonnenbrille und schützt sein Geweih mit Sonnencreme
what does rudolf the red-nosed rendear in summer ? solution 2
he weats sun glasses and protects his antlers with sun creme ...
.. er ist im Sommerschlaf
what does rudolf the red-nosed rendear in summer ? solution 1
he enjoys summersleep ...
moths make carpet fly ..
celestial and animalistic protection ..
bat enjoying its birthday
driving in buckets
(very bad cars ...)
werden Weintrauben durch den Anblick von Kirchen heilig ?
holy vine grapes
do they get holy by looking at churches ?
well read fuming bold ...
Geburtstagswünsche für liebe Musikfreunde von mir ..
cuddling - dancing music notes
birthday wishes for dear music friends of mine ...
nach einem Museumsbesuch ..
royal bear
after visiting a museum ..
pipe smoking screens creating eye pain ...
:-) for my 'inner child' : making music with cowbells ...
burger with a nasty toad ...
dragon with long lashes sleeping at music notes
wasp with navi and plasters ...
tourist guide bear with books ...